碳中性硅nce 2018

By administering exams remotely with Proctorio, you are making a positive impact on the environment. Thank you!

Our eco-friendly business practices

Proctorio proudly aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Proctorio has been carbon neutral since 2018. Here are some of the other sustainable business practices that Proctorio employs:

Logo: UN Sustainable Development Goals
Icon: lightbulb

Energy-efficient lighting

Icon: eco-lightbulb

Powered by solar panels

Icon: paper denied

Paperless office

Icon: cleaner bottle

Non-toxic cleansers

Icon: couch

Recycled furniture

Icon: recycle bin

Garbage recycling

Icon: sneaker

Low-impact commutes

Icon: water drop

Drip irrigation

Matebe Hydroelectric Plant

Proctorio calculates its carbon footprint and invests in projects around the world that offset our total carbon emissions. As part of this, Proctorio has supported and contributed several sustainable practices to the Matebe Hydroelectric Plant in Virunga, Congo, home to Africa's oldest national park and one of the last mountain gorilla populations in the world. The plant is estimated to save almost 50,000 tons of CO2per year and ultimately hopes to bring 12,000 sustainable, green-economy jobs to those of the Rutshuru region, providing residents with clean, affordable energy.

Logo and QR code 'Climate neutral company' designation, and the URL ClimatePartner.com/13080-1907-1001

Moving forward

Proctorio is striving to become carbon negative by 2025. We aim to reach this goal by continuing and improving upon our current green initiatives and fully powering our infrastructure with solar and other green sources of energy.